Health Blog Category Tag List Back to health blog Tag: #childhood illness Loading... 流感高峰期來襲,兒童嚴重症狀有哪些?10/02/2025 Categories: Parenting Tags: #季節性流感, #Chrildren, #Flu Vaccination, #child health, #Flu season, #childhood vaccines, #Flu, #childhood illness 爸媽注意!秋冬季節如何分辨兒童過敏還是感冒?07/01/2025 Categories: Parenting Tags: #過敏原, #過敏性鼻炎, #allergy test, #Allergy, #healthy development of children, #child health, #Skin Irritation, #childhood illness 一文瞭解天使併發症 8大症症狀、患病率、黃金治療期22/10/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #Children's physical examination, #Chrildren, #healthy development of children, #child health, #childhood illness, #Developmental assessment of preschoolers, #rarely, #Angelman Syndrome 新學年「三疫」風險增,爸爸媽媽要留意!20/09/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #孩子, #Children's cold, #兒童常見傳染, #Chrildren, #healthy development of children, #child health, #childhood vaccines, #childhood illness BB濕疹:皮膚痕癢又紅腫,家長點算好?13/09/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #Baby, #healthy development of children, #baby health, #babygrowth, #child health, #Eczema, #Prevent Eczema, #childhood illness BB疫苗接種新趨勢:自費疫苗,全面健康保護16/08/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #Vaccination, #Vaccine, #Chrildren, #寶寶健康, #healthy development of children, #child health, #childhood vaccines, #childhood illness Children's Seasonal Health Matters: Cold or Allergies? One Key Consideration28/02/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #Children's cold, #runny nose, #Allergic Rhinitis of Children, #child development, #healthy development of children, #child health, #Allergic Rhinitis, #childhood illness 【Flu Season Peaks】Children Experience More Severe Symptoms During First-time Influenza Infections! Reduce Risks with Early Vaccination22/01/2024 Categories: Parenting Tags: #hepatitis in children, #Chrildren, #Flu Vaccination, #child health, #Flu season, #childhood vaccines, #Flu, #childhood illness Common Summertime Sicknesses in Children02/05/2023 Categories: Parenting Tags: #Pediatrics, #child health, #childhood illness