醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)

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Midlife Woes: Long-Term Computer Users at Risk of Developing Tennis Elbow

According to medical literature, approximately 13 out of every 1000 people worldwide suffer from tennis elbow, and the situation in Hong Kong is similar as well. Chiropractor Dr Steve Yun explained in his recent interview that "tennis elbow" is actually a common term for "lateral epicondylitis", which is a condition characterized by pain due to inflamed tendons.


Dr Steve Yun pointed out that the condition is mainly caused by repetitive or excessive movements of the hand and wrist, or frequently exerting force incorrectly, leading to wear and tear injury and inflammation of the tendons, hence pain in the outer elbow. However, apart from playing tennis, activities such as using a mouse, typing on a keyboard, using a mobile phone, cutting vegetables or meat, cooking and driving can all potentially cause tennis elbow.

Dr Steve Yun further explained that in the past, professions more prone to developing tennis elbow included tennis players, carpenters, bricklayers, gardeners, chefs, dentists, and violinists. However, this condition is now commonly seen in long-term computer users, housewives, cleaners and construction workers. It typically occurs in individuals between 30 and 50 years old, and studies have shown that smokers and diabetic patients are at a higher risk of developing the condition.

To treat tennis elbow, Dr Steve Yun pointed out that anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications can be used, and in severe cases, steroid injection or even surgery may be considered. He also suggested that patients should avoid prolonged and repetitive movements, wear elbow supports and engage in muscle rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the injured muscles.

Dr. Yun Ming Hei, Steve
Chiropractic and Physiotherapy

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