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Women are at high risk for osteoporosis! Regularly check bone density to protect your health

It is often heard that "bones are fragile in old age", but what it actually refers to is "osteoporosis". Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease. As we age, the bone density in the bones gradually decreases, causing the bones to become fragile and prone to fracture. Therefore, the elderly are more susceptible to osteoporosis, but the proportion of female patients among them is also quite high.

Studies have found that about one-third of women in Hong Kong suffer from osteoporosis¹. This is because people usually reach the peak of bone density around the age of 35, and then the bone mass will decrease year by year. In addition, women are responsible for delivering nutrition to the baby during pregnancy, and the decrease in estrogen during menopause leads to faster bone loss. Study shows that menopausal women lose about 3% of their bone mass every year¹, making them a high-risk group for osteoporosis.

The dangers of osteoporosis

The dangers of osteoporosis are greater than imagined, such as fractures caused by minor falls or collisions. The most common fractures occur in the forearm, lumbar spine and hip bone, causing patients to experience pain, inconvenience in movement and other conditions that affect the quality of daily life.

Among them, hip fractures are the most likely to cause serious complications. About 20% of hip fractures can lead to death¹. Many elderly patients may be permanently disabled even after recovering from hip fractures, so they must be treated with caution.

Signs of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis usually has no obvious symptoms in the early stages and is easily overlooked. Pay more attention to the following physical warning signs:

  • Height becomes shorter

  • Hunchback/forward shoulder aggravation

  • Soreness in lower back

  • Joint pain

  • Easy to fracture

  • Loose teeth

How to prevent osteoporosis?

To prevent osteoporosis, you should start from the following aspects:

  1. Supplement calcium and vitamin D: Calcium is an important component of bones, and vitamin D can help the body absorb calcium. Foods rich in calcium include milk, dairy products, beans, dark green vegetables, etc. Foods rich in vitamin D include cod liver oil, egg yolks, mushrooms, etc.

  2. Appropriate exercise: Exercise can promote bone growth and enhance bone density. It is recommended that you perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.

  3. Avoid smoking and alcohol abuse: Smoking and alcohol abuse can damage bone health.

  4. Check bone density regularly: Women should have bone density checked regularly after menopause. High-risk groups, such as those with a family history of osteoporosis and lack of exercise, should also receive regular examinations.

Specialists Central has clinics and orthopedic specialties in Central, Hong Kong and Mong Kok, Kowloon. It can provide patients with specialist consultation, risk assessment, various types of examinations, diagnosis, surgery and treatment services. Welcome to make an appointment with Specialists Central.

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¹ Hong Kong Orthopedics and Osteoporosis Center for Treatment and Research, Osteoporosis.

Disclaimer: This article is prepared by an independent third party and is not sponsored. The content provided is solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It does not represent any specific viewpoint. In the event of any discomfort or health issues, it is advised to seek medical attention promptly.

Source: SC

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