醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)

Health Blog Category Tag List

Category: Health Management


Lower back pain, weak at knees, and nocturia = poor kidneys? 10 warning signs reveal clues
Categories: Health Management
How much do you know about geriatrics | At what age do you need to see geriatrics?
Categories: Health Management
A must-have for modern people: 3 tips to prevent dry eye syndrome and say goodbye to dry, uncomfortable eyes!
Categories: Health Management
Can CT Scan be claimed for insurance? Disclosure of CT Scan tumor examination process and side effects
Categories: Health Management
Herpes Zoster can relapse! Herpes zoster vaccination to prevent sequelae & secondary infection
Categories: Health Management
Sore teeth are uncomfortable! 8 tips to solve tooth sensitivity
Categories: Health Management
Face the hidden disease of neck pain  pain is the emotional culprit
Categories: Health Management
Often have stomachaches for no reason. Do you have a "glass belly"? Take a 1-minute self-test to find out the answer!
Categories: Health Management
Understand the structure of the heart  Help prevent cardiovascular disease
Categories: Health Management
New discovery of causes of gastric cancer The same bacterial species as oral pathogens
Categories: Health Management
Should wisdom teeth be peeled off if they are spread sideways/slanted? What impact will it have?
Categories: Health Management
Wet age-related macular degeneration | Is the disease likely to cause blindness? Beware if you are over 50 years old!
Categories: Health Management
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