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Don't Ignore the White Spot: Early Detection for Tongue Cancer Prevention

Tongue cancer is one of the most common types of oral cancer. With its high incidence, easy recurrence, and difficulty to cure, it poses a great threat to our health. So, what is tongue cancer? It refers to malignant tumours that develop in the tissues of the tongue or the base of the tongue. Early-stage tongue cancer may manifest as white spots on the side of the tongue, which can progress to tumours, pain, and other symptoms. In severe cases, it can destroy tongue tissues and spread to the lymph nodes. Factors like long-term smoking, alcohol consumption and poor oral hygiene increase the risk of developing tongue cancer.

As the early symptoms of tongue cancer and its lesions are hard to spot, it can be easily overlooked or mistaken for common mouth ulcers or inflammation. Tongue cancer patients often miss the golden treatment time, which makes the disease progress to a later stage or even become irreversible. Meanwhile, many people think that oral cancer is related to ageing, so young people often ignore the importance of oral health and neglect timely oral check-ups and care. That’s why there is a growing trend of younger oral cancer patients.


Take white spots on the tongue seriously

White spots on the tongue can be an early sign of tongue cancer, so it’s definitely something to be taken seriously! The white spots may come with mild pain or discomfort, or they may not bother you at all. However, if these white spots persist or gradually become larger, ulcerated, or change in colour, you need to see a doctor for an examination as soon as possible. This is the only way to determine whether the spots are cancerous or a sign of other oral diseases.

Medical professionals have been working hard on the early diagnosis and treatment of oral cancers and have developed more means to assess and treat them. These are some of the diagnostic methods:


Oral examination

An oral specialist will diagnose whether there are any abnormalities by evaluating the changes in the colour, shape and size of the tongue, oral mucosa, gums, etc.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

An MRI scan can create high-definition images to spot the presence and location of tumours. It’s one of the most commonly used diagnostic methods for oral cancer.


The doctor will administer a local anaesthetic, and then extract a sample of tissue from the white spots to evaluate whether it is a cancerous lesion. This is currently one of the most reliable tests for cancer.

Our daily routine also matters. It’s important to pay attention to oral hygiene and regularly brush our teeth and use mouthwash to keep our mouths clean. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and maintaining a healthy diet also help prevent oral diseases.

Although tongue cancer has a relatively high incidence rate, the patient's survival rate can be greatly increased if it’s detected and treated early. So, when you notice white spots on the side of your tongue, you need to take it seriously and get it examined as soon as possible. It’s also essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep oral cancer at bay. Start paying attention to our oral health today and work together for a happy, healthy life!

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Source: Revive

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